Sunday, August 24, 2008

I love Saturdays!!!

This semester is a super busy semester, at least one test and one presentation on Monday, 2 reports on Wednesday and one more assignment on Friday. Thus during weekdays, I'll be busy with assignments.

Saturday!!! ^.^ the day when i really feel like staying home. A special day in the week, where i could freshen up n prepare to start another new week. kekeke.

To-Do-List on Saturdays:
- Laundry
- Toilet cleaning
- Vacuum the floor
- Tidy up all mess
- Pay bills
- Buy grocery
- List out all the works i have to hand up the following week.

There are tonnes of things to do. But after every task is completed, there is a sense of satisfaction. hahaha. Coz, i know there will be orange juice in the fridge, oreo for supper, no overdue bills, clean toilet n floors free from hair, n clothes to wear the following week. muahahaha... But the most important thing is giving myself a comfortable place to sleep n work again. >.<

What bout Sunday? hahaha. Sunday is a lazy day. A day i give myself excuses to sleep sleep n sleep from morning till evening. But do assignments in the night. Lol.

Spent most of my time in the weekdays with friends. More of the time for myself in the weekend. ^.^ Balance gua. lol.


1 comment:

S h e i k Y i n g said...

Wowowo~~ your schedule is like really organized! i soo have to learn from you! im still in the piggingg-lazying-state for now LOL :P missss you muchieee aj! take good careeee mwaxxxx